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Showing posts from April, 2019

Good Friday: The Thirst

"I thirst" (John 19:28 KJV). How? How can God's Son be thirsty? Most of the time when we think about Jesus, we think about spiritual things: faith, trust, hope, salvation. But as Jesus hangs on the cross, things are very physical. Jesus says, "I thirst." The cross keeps us from thinking that our faith and our beliefs are other-worldly. Jesus lived here. Jesus suffered and died here. His message is for us here. The truth is, if we're going to meet God, we'll meet him here. As you read the Gospels, you'll notice the writers are minimalist with their descriptions of the crucifixion. They report "they did this," then "they did that." No gory details. Just "I thirst." Why does Jesus say this? Earlier Jesus said, "Whoever drinks from the water that I give will never be thirsty again" (John 4:14; 6:35) and, "All who are thirsty should come to me!" (John 7:37). So, what does this mean? In the Bi